Professional Learning2024-05-22T12:20:46-07:00
Professional Learning

Professional Learning

Our professional learning opportunities reflect district priorities, provide educators relevant programming and facilitate collaboration and sharing of resources.

Training topics include:

  • Equity and culturally sustaining instruction and assessment
  • Equity-based multi-tiered system of support (MTSS)
  • Instructional practices to support English learners and emergent bilinguals
  • Instructional leadership skill development
  • Educator mentoring
  • Curriculum development
  • STEM (science, technology, engineering and math)
  • Embedded use of technology tools and personalized learning
  • Inclusive practices
  • Professional learning and coaching for paraprofessionals and other classified support staff
  • Professional development, training and technical support for child care providers
  • and more!

Upcoming workshops

PDNetworks FAQs

Registration for the majority of Clackamas ESD trainings is done through PDNetworks. Please see below for answers to frequently asked questions about the PDNetworks platform.

At the bottom of the event page, click the "Signup" or “Log In To Signup” button.

Screenshot showing the location of the PDNetworks "signup" button

You must be logged into your PDNetworks account to register. See "how do I create a PDNetworks account?" for details on creating your free PDNetworks account.

Creating your free PDNetworks account is quick and easy. To create your PDNetworks account, click "Create Account" at the top of any PDNetworks page.

You will need to create an account for them or to have them log in to their account. See "how do I create a PDNetworks account?" for details on creating a PDNetworks account.

Each attendee needs to be signed up individually; there is no “bulk” sign-up function at this time.

Click "My Workshops" on the top right of any PDNetworks page.

In the "My Upcoming Events" section, click the name of the class you want to cancel.

At the bottom of the event page, click on the “Unregister" button.

Image of PDNetworks' "Unregister" button

Note: refunds do not happen automatically. Please see “how do I get a refund?” for more information.

You must cancel two business days before the beginning of the class to get a refund. Unregistering for a class does not automatically trigger a refund. Please email the email address in the "Contact Information" section of the event page on PDNetworks with your name, class name, and request for a refund.

Click the “My Workshops” button at the top of any PDNetworks page.

At the bottom of the "My Workshops" page is a list of all of your credit card transactions. Click on the “print” button next to the class you need a receipt for.

Child Care Resource & Referral trainings FAQs

Please see below for answers to frequently asked questions about trainings from our Child Care Resource & Referral team.

No. Most of our training is online, and is available to all child care providers in Oregon. The exception is CPR trainings, which must be done at least partially in person. We also offer a few in person classes each quarter for providers who prefer in-person training.

When you register for a class in PDNetworks, you are given the option to put in a registration code right after clicking the "Signup" button.

  • Codes are case-sensitive so make sure that you copy the code exactly
  • Don’t add spaces after the code
  • Contact if you are having issues
Image showing where you enter a registration code in PDNetworks

Online classes

  • You can register for online CCR&R classes up until the beginning of class
  • Registration for online State classes can be made up until 2 pm the day before the class begins

In-person classes

  • You can register for in-person CCR&R classes up until 1 business day before class
  • Registration for traditional (all in-person) CPR classes can be made up until 1 business day before class

Blended CPR classes (part online)

  • You can register for blended (part online) CPR classes up until 2 business days before the in-person class

Links to Clackamas CCR&R trainings are sent automatically as soon as you register. 

Links to State trainings are sent on the day of the class.

Links to blended CPR classes are sent within two business days of registration.

If you do not get your link within these time frames, contact before 3 pm on the day of the training.

Refunds will be issued automatically if CCR&R cancels a class.

The six-hour CPR class is all in person. The two-hour CPR class is a blended class, which means the first part of the class is done online and the two-hour in-person portion is done at the date, time and location listed in the class description.

Within two business days of registration, you will receive a link from the HSI Platform for the first part of the training, a four-hour online class that must be finished before the in-person part of the CPR training.

Please check your spam for an email from HSI Platform. The link is not sent automatically and does not come from a CCR&R email. If you have not received your link within two business days of registration, please email and let us know.

Oregon Registry Online hours are usually issued within five business days of the end of the class. You will be notified by email. Your hours are uploaded automatically into ORO; you do not need to upload your certificate into ORO yourself unless requested.

Certificates are sent out via email after the class is closed. All of the participants’ certificates are sent out as one document.

Certificates are printed with your name as it is spelled in Oregon Registry Online. If your name is spelled wrong, you will need to log in to your ORO account and correct it. Then contact and request a new certificate for the class.

CPR cards are given out at the end of the in-person part of the CPR class. If you lose your card, please email You will also receive a certificate of completion after your hours are issued.

This depends on the instructor, however all participants are expected to participate, whether on-camera, in the chat, in breakout rooms, or unmuted.

Please put your name and email address into the chat when you first sign on. This is especially important if two or more people are sharing a computer.

Participants who miss more than 15 minutes are marked “incomplete.”

Program Contacts

Kayla Bell
Assistant Director Teaching & Learning
Phone: 503-675-4062

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