Paraeducator Assessment, Partnership & Learning2024-07-15T08:45:33-07:00

Paraeducator Assessment, Partnership & Learning

Paraeducator Assessment, Partnership & Learning

Educational assistants and other classified staff who assist teachers and students are vital ingredients in classroom success. Clackamas ESD supports districts and paraeducators with customized resources including paraeducator assessments, development and coaching designed to help educators serve the whole child so students can reach their full potential in school and beyond as part of our Student Success Act implementation support.

Paraeducator Assessments

Clackamas ESD supports Clackamas County school districts with the paraeducator assessment required to address OAR Division 37: 581-037-0006 Qualifications of Educational Assistants serving in Title 1-A schools or programs. We have developed a local assessment that meets this requirement for any schools across Clackamas County, measuring knowledge and skills in the areas of reading, writing and mathematics. We are unable to provide assessments for paraeducators outside our county, as results do not transfer to other counties and states. As long as you work in Clackamas County, you only need to pass this test once.

This entire assessment is available in Spanish for staff working in Dual Language Immersion programs. We offer a variety of study resources in both English and Spanish for test-takers.

Retake opportunities are made available as necessary.

Billing for the assessment ($40 for initial test; $20 for each subsequent retake session) is coordinated directly with your district, as is registration (see below for details).

Scheduled Testing Dates at CESD Sunnybrook

Two sessions on each testing date; AM Sessions are 9 - 11:30 am, PM Sessions are 12:30 - 3 pm

Sessions are limited to six test takers at a time.

May 8, 2024
August 21, 2024
September 25, 2024
October 23, 2024
November 13, 2024
December 11, 2024
January 8, 2025
February 12, 2025
March 12, 2025
April 9, 2025
May 14, 2025

Additional dates will be added as needed


Registration for individuals needing to take this assessment is done through their district HR department. We offer proctoring of this assessment at the Clackamas ESD Sunnybrook administrative offices, but districts will also be able to request remote proctoring at a district location if they have at least four participants who can test at one time.

How to register

Human resources staff from partner districts complete a request to register a paraeducator to take the assessment.

When a registration request for Clackamas ESD proctored assessments has been submitted by a district HR department, we will coordinate directly with the paraeducator to schedule their testing session. Districts that would like to schedule a testing date at their local district site (with a minimum of four testers) should contact:

Melanie Inns
Administrative Assistant, Student Services Teaching & Learning
Phone: 503-675-4027

Assessment fees

  • $40 fee per assessment proctored at Clackamas ESD ($20 for section retakes) will be invoiced to the district and will cover the cost of access to the assessment, scoring, proctoring, and a score report for the district.
  • $40 fee per remote assessment ($20 for section retakes), as well as an additional $50 flat remote proctoring fee to test at your local school or district site.

Resources for test-takers

Note: Registration for the test is done through your district human resources department.



Assessment results

Score reports will be sent via email to the HR staff member who submitted the registration. If the score meets the proficiency requirement of 70% or higher on each section, then a certificate of completion will also be sent. Retakes can be scheduled for either the entire assessment, or just specific sections as needed.

Paraeducator Development and Coaching

Our professional development and coaching sessions are designed to support regional paraeducators to become more effective at addressing common challenges they face when working with students in classrooms PK-12 and beyond. By becoming aware of how emotions work, their impact on the brain, and how trauma affects behavior, staff will learn about regulation strategies that will directly support students and staff.

Through engaging and relevant discussions, videos, and specific resources, paraeducators will develop awareness and gain critical skills to implement trauma-informed practices and develop a culturally responsive mindset that will serve every child, every day in their learning and sense of belonging. Self-care, social-emotional learning, crisis management, and relationship building are some of the many topics we cover in our learning sessions.

We work with individual districts and teams to customize sessions based on the district's and students' needs. Contact our support staff partnership and learning coordinator to discuss, explore, and create a plan that will support your paraeducators in their learning and development.

Program Contacts

Melanie Inns
Administrative Assistant, Student Services Teaching & Learning
Phone: 503-675-4027
Elaine Merighi Morelock
Support Staff Partnership & Learning Coordinator Teaching & Learning

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