Early Literacy2024-05-22T12:15:18-07:00
Early Literacy

Early Literacy

Our early literacy consultant supports districts by providing opportunities to strengthen pedagogy through professional development workshops and collaboration in implementing best practices for developing literacy skills.

Upcoming Early Literacy workshops

Program Contacts

Charlotte Gant
Early Literacy Consultant Teaching & Learning

Teaching & Learning News

Dec 9,2024

Staff spotlight: Dan Kimbrow, multilingual learner specialist

December 9th, 2024|

Multilingual learners, often from immigrant or refugee backgrounds, face additional challenges in their education as they build English language proficiency. Dan Kimbrow, a multilingual learner specialist at Clackamas Education Service District, supports educators and other school district teams in building skills, strategies and resources needed to bridge gaps in multilingual [...]

Sep 30,2024

Staff spotlight: Hoa Nguyen, student and community engagement specialist

September 30th, 2024|

Hoa Nguyen is a Clackamas Education Service District student and community engagement specialist on our student services team who helps Clackamas County school districts address chronic student attendance issues. Hoa spent several years as a school attendance coach before coming to Clackamas ESD, and her expertise is further informed by [...]

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