Clackamas Career and Technical Education Consortium (C-TEC)2021-08-24T14:21:04-07:00
Clackamas Career and Technical Education Consortium (C-TEC)

Clackamas Career and Technical Education Consortium (C-TEC)

Clackamas Career and Technical Education Consortium (C-TEC) is a consortium of schools and partners in Clackamas County committed to creating high quality pathways from education to the workforce. Our teaching and learning team coordinates C-TEC, which facilitates career education and work-based learning for high school students in collaboration with Clackamas Community College. C-TEC’s work is guided by a steering committee of district and community partners. Funding for the program comes mainly from the federal Carl Perkins grant, coordinated through Oregon Department of Education (ODE).

Program Contacts

Bill Blevins
Regional Coordinator Clackamas Career and Technical Education Consortium (C-TEC)
Phone: 503-675-4017

Teaching & Learning News

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