Teaching & Learning
Working to improve student outcomes
The Clackamas ESD Teaching & Learning team collaborates with regional school districts to help improve student outcomes. Educators increase their skills through the professional development, consultation and technical assistance we provide. We also offer an array of contracted services that enhance collaboration and cost savings. The skills and agility of our team allow us to respond rapidly to changing district needs.
Teaching & Learning Programs
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Teaching & Learning News
Staff spotlight: Bill Blevins, regional coordinator of career and technical education
Career and technical education offers students valuable hands-on experience in high-demand fields like health care, engineering, information technology and manufacturing. [...]
Staff spotlight: Dan Kimbrow, multilingual learner specialist
Multilingual learners, often from immigrant or refugee backgrounds, face additional challenges in their education as they build English language proficiency. [...]
Help us launch the Clackamas Native American Student Consortium! Submit a ED 506 Form today
Clackamas ESD is working to establish a Native American student consortium in Clackamas County dedicated to fostering an inclusive, [...]