Teaching & Learning2024-02-02T14:31:30-08:00

Teaching & Learning Programs

C-TEC Youth Services (WIOA)

C-TEC Youth Services supports 16-24-year-old youth experiencing barriers to employment or education. Career advisers help youth create goal plans that best fit their interests and strengths, and connect to the many resources [...]

Curriculum, Instruction & Evaluation Services

Clackamas ESD works with administrators and teachers to help our regional districts maximize student learning through professional development, collaborative coaching, curriculum renewal and state standards expertise. We support [...]

Early Literacy

Our early literacy consultant supports districts by providing opportunities to strengthen pedagogy through professional development workshops and collaboration in implementing best practices for developing literacy skills. Upcoming Early [...]

Health Services

As part of our Student Success Act implementation support, we provide region-wide student health support by developing and implementing school nursing services throughout the region, facilitating the integration of school and community [...]


Our math specialist strives to maximize student learning through collaborative one-on-one and department coaching, Oregon and National math curricular and instructional reforms, Oregon Math Standards expertise, culturally sustaining and equitable practices, professional [...]

Mental Health & Crisis Support

Supporting students' social and emotional health has been a priority for educators throughout Clackamas County. As part of our Student Success Act implementation support, Clackamas ESD offers several services to districts to [...]

Multilingual Learners

Our multilingual learners specialist shares best practices and identifies priorities to best support emergent bilingual students, including: Support with Title III district plans Use of the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol Interpreter training [...]

Paraeducator Assessment, Partnership & Learning

Educational assistants and other classified staff who assist teachers and students are vital ingredients in classroom success. Clackamas ESD supports districts and paraeducators with customized resources including paraeducator assessments, development and coaching [...]

Professional Learning

Our professional learning opportunities reflect district priorities, provide educators relevant programming and facilitate collaboration and sharing of resources. Jump to PDNetworks FAQs Training topics include: Equity and culturally sustaining [...]

Regional Mentoring Program

The Regional Mentoring Program supports first- and second-year educators in public schools in Clackamas and Multnomah counties with their professional development and personal growth. We work alongside schools to help educators thrive [...]

Research, Data & Evaluation Services

Research, Data and Evaluation Services works with district administrators and teachers to help them use the most effective strategies to reach students. Our technical assistance includes: Development of program evaluation plans, logic [...]


In collaboration with the South Metro-Salem STEM Partnership, our STEM consultant works to expand educator and student access to science, technology, engineering and math courses and experiential learning. [...]

Student & Community Engagement

There is a large body of evidence linking student engagement to academic success and increased self esteem. Student engagement is multi-faceted, characterized by behavioral, emotional and cognitive engagement. Family and community engagement [...]

Student Services

The Student Success Act of 2019 created the potential to dramatically improve the equity of the state’s K–12 education system by significantly investing in programs that support historically underserved students and improve [...]

Department Contacts

Kayla Bell
Assistant Director Teaching & Learning
Phone: 503-675-4062
Ewan Brawley
Assistant Superintendent Office of the Superintendent
Phone: 503-675-4024

Teaching & Learning News

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