Substitute Registry & Training
Clackamas ESD maintains the online Clackamas County Substitute Registry for substitute teacher candidates in all Clackamas County school districts. After registering, substitutes can access required training and store proof of training completion. School districts use the Clackamas County Substitute Registry to search for teachers with specific endorsements and to review candidate information, such as results of background checks.
Learn about substitute paraeducator and substitute teacher positions in Clackamas ESD's Special Education and Early Learning programs:
Clackamas County Substitute Registry
Your Clackamas County Substitute Registry registration will be reviewed within ten business days. If it is approved you will be sent proof of registration by email. Provide a copy of that email to the school districts when you apply.
Clackamas County Substitute Registry registration is active through the expiration of your Teacher’s Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) license; you do not need to re-register with the Clackamas County Substitute Registry every school year.
In a grace period? You can register while your TSPC license is in a posted grace period, and your Clackamas County Substitute Registry registration will be good through the grace period. You will need to update your Clackamas County Substitute Registry registration when your renewed TSPC license is issued.
Just applied for your first or reinstated TSPC license? You can register for the Clackamas County Substitute Registry while your TSPC licensure is in process. Most applicants will receive temporary Clackamas County Substitute Registry approval subject to review. You will need to update your Clackamas County Substitute Registry registration when your new or reinstated TSPC license is issued.
Online Substitute Training System
District employees, including substitutes teachers, are required by law to participate in annual training. You need to provide a copy of your training transcript upon application to each school district and every subsequent year. Note: training is not required for registration in the Clackamas County Substitute Registry.
Annual trainings that are required in Oregon for substitute teachers include:
- Sexual Misconduct Training – Staff to Student
- Child Abuse Identification & Prevention Training
- Bloodborne Pathogens Training
- Sexual Harassment Training
Note: Some of our districts require courses beyond the “core four.” For convenient access, the most commonly requested additional trainings will be listed in your training assignment automatically.
Training is valid through June 30 of the school year in which you complete the training.
You can also instantly access many more courses to supplement your professional development hours through the online substitute training system.
Access online trainings (enrollment required)
Complete this form to enroll in the Online Substitute Training System.
Please allow for up to five business days for your request to be processed. You will be notified in an email when you have had a user account configured, and when you may log in to complete the online training courses.
Program Contacts
Human Resources News
Staff spotlight: Katy Bern, EI/ECSE administrative assistant
Katy Bern serves as the administrative assistant for Clackamas ESD’s early intervention/early childhood special education program, which provides essential support to young children who experience delays or disabilities that affect their learning. Katy’s work behind the scenes supporting the EI/ECSE director, leadership team, and service providers ensures the smooth operation [...]
Staff spotlight: Stephanie Reyes-Chavez, administrative assistant
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Staff spotlight: Alex Soe-Nyun, behavior coach
The first full week of March is designated as Classified Employee Appreciation Week. At Clackamas ESD alone, we have more than 60 types of classified jobs. These are people who touch every corner of our agency’s work and the districts we support, from providing hands-on help to teachers, children and families, to [...]