Student Services
The Student Success Act of 2019 created the potential to dramatically improve the equity of the state’s K–12 education system by significantly investing in programs that support historically underserved students and improve all students’ mental health. Each district has written a plan that has been approved by their local school boards and the Oregon Department of Education to utilize the SSA funds allocated to them. These specific plans are incorporated into a larger Integrated Plan inclusive of several other improvement initiatives and funding streams.
Clackamas ESD is familiar with all of the plans in our region, and our SSA Comprehensive Support Plan is designed specifically to support our component districts in successful implementation of their plans. We collaborate closely with our district colleagues to provide technical assistance in meeting their expanded educational goals.
Student Services Specialists & Consultants
Program Contacts
Teaching & Learning News
Staff spotlight: Diana Jimenez, preschool specialist
The first full week of March is designated as Classified Employee Appreciation Week. At Clackamas ESD alone, we have more than 60 types of classified jobs. These are people who touch every corner of our agency’s work and the districts we support, from providing hands-on help to teachers, children and families, to [...]
Clackamas Connect Career Hub: A new platform linking schools with local employers for career development opportunities
Clackamas Education Service District is excited to introduce the Clackamas Connect Career Hub, an easy-to-use online platform designed to bridge the gap between schools and industry partners. This resource gives educators direct access to regional employers eager to collaborate with schools and career and technical education programs. The Clackamas Connect [...]
Staff spotlight: Bill Blevins, regional coordinator of career and technical education
Career and technical education offers students valuable hands-on experience in high-demand fields like health care, engineering, information technology and manufacturing. CTE programs not only equip students with the practical skills needed for today’s jobs; they also contribute to graduation rates nearly 10 percentage points higher than those of students who [...]