Transition Network Facilitation2024-09-11T17:12:20-07:00

Transition Network Facilitation

Transition Network Facilitation

Transition Network Facilitation supports high school and post-high school personnel in Clackamas, Hood River, Wasco, Gilliam and Sherman counties to help students with developmental disabilities ages 16 to 21 shift from school to integrated, competitive employment. We share best practices, strategies and curriculum that help students explore vocations, gain work experience and set post-secondary goals. We’re also a convener, connecting educators with relevant agencies to identify and address school-to work transition barriers.

We are a part of the Transition Technical Assistance Network (TTAN), a collective serving the state of Oregon that includes:
  • Transition Network Facilitators (TNFs) and Support Specialists
  • Pre-Employment Transition Services (PRE-ETS) Coordinators
  • Youth Transition Program Technical Assistance Providers (YTP TAPs)
  • Regional Employment Specialists


The Transition Technical Assistance Network (TTAN) is a great source of lessons, interviews, websites, and other resources collected by and for educators supporting postsecondary transition for Oregon students with disabilities.

Vocational Rehabilitation​ (VR) assists individuals with disabilities to get and keep a job that matches their skills, interests and abilities. VR staff work in partnership with the community and businesses to provide services that are individualized to help each eligible person receive services that are essential to their employment success. Learn more about Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) on the Oregon Department of Human Resources (DHS) website.

  • Clackamas Vocational Rehabilitation: 971-673-6130
  • Hood River & The Dalles Vocational Rehabilitation: 971-673-8870

The Developmental Disabilities Program serves eligible adults and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Services include service coordination, abuse investigation, intake and eligibility, and program development.

Brokerages contract with the State of Oregon to provide services to eligible individuals adults in their own or family home. Local support service brokerages include:

Oregon Commission for the Blind helps people who are blind and visually impaired be more independent, continue their education, and be a fully connected part of their communities. Find contact information for your local Oregon Comission for the Blind.

Oregon's Transition Resource Handbook: Moving Forward Together serves as guidance to educators, administrators, and their partners, including parents, agency partners, and stakeholders across Oregon. As of April 1, 2021, it includes an important Addendum with updates to the State Expectations. The Handbook is being revised and will be available in September 2021. Read the Transition Resource Handbook on the Transition Technical Assistance Network (TTAN) website.

When a family member or friend needs help making decisions, it can be hard to know what to do. This booklet summarizes a few legal and other
tools available in Oregon designed to help the person make decisions. Read on the Guardianship, Conservatorship and Other Options in Oregon booklet on the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) website.

The State of Oregon's Benefits and Work Incentive Counseling services help people with disabilities make informed decisions about work, benefits and the use of work incentives to achieve their employment goals, as well as helping them navigate the benefits system when they begin working. Learn more about Benefits and Work Incentive Counseling.

Transition Pathway to Adulthood is a guide to your student’s transition to adulthood.

Program Contacts

Kriss Rita
Transition Network Facilitator Transition Network Facilitation
Phone: 503-675-4163

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