Parrott Creek
We bring an educational team of teacher and coach to the Parrott Creek Ranch, a residential program for youth who are stepping out of incarceration or who are returning from residential placements outside of Oregon. These professionals are supervised and supported by the administrative team at Heron Creek.
Program Contacts
Special Programs News
Learning doesn’t take a summer break
Summer offers students and educators a well-deserved break after the rigors of a school year. But more and more, summer is becoming a critical time for many students to keep building their academic and social skills as they transition between school years. That's particularly true for children served by Clackamas [...]
Learn about job opportunities in special education and early learning at locations across the county this summer
Clackamas ESD will host several career nights in locations across the county this summer. Stop by to learn about the variety of job opportunities available in special education and early learning in our Heron Creek Therapeutic Program, Life Enrichment Education Program and early intervention/childhood special education programs. You’ll have [...]
Staff spotlight: Steve Schroeder, LEEP teacher
The first full week of May is designated as Licensed Employee Appreciation Week. At Clackamas ESD alone, we have at least 20 types of licensed jobs, with many variations in those positions. These are people who have completed higher education and earned licenses to be certified to teach students, lead continuing education training for staff, serve as [...]