School Safety
Through the federal Grants to States for Emergency Management (GSEM) Grant Program, Clackamas ESD provides safety training and consultation to our 10 partner school districts, as well as other districts throughout northwest Oregon. We provide a range of services in this area, including assistance in updating communicable disease management plans.
We help schools plan for potential emergencies by offering:
- Training on the recommended six-step planning process to create or enhance a high-quality school Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs)
- Training on how to activate EOPs using the Incident Command System
- Technical assistance in developing and implementing their plans such as writing Memorandas of Understanding (MOUs)
- Support in conducting exercises
- Access to resources through the Student Success Act (SSA) to make EOPs actionable
More resources are available on the Oregon School Safety and Emergency Management (SSEM) website.
Upcoming School Safety workshops
Upcoming School Safety workshops
Program Contacts
Program Staff
School Safety News
Regional partners gather to talk school safety
Dozens of school district leaders, safety specialists, and law enforcement and insurance partners gathered at Clackamas ESD Nov. 1 for our annual safe schools emergency management summit. The day-long program featured a heavy emphasis on creating physically and psychologically safe workplaces. Keynote speaker Ila Borders, a training captain and paramedic with [...]
Some of our favorite moments from 2022
As we reflect on 2022, we find joy in the many ways we have served Clackamas County students, families, educators, and other staff who serve students and feel gratitude for the collaboration of our partners. Thank you, and Happy New Year! Revisit some of our favorite moments from the [...]
School safety starts with prevention and preparedness
Any education leader will tell you the top priority of any school is to keep children safe. Clackamas ESD takes that obligation seriously, and provides a high level of support to 38 school districts throughout northwest Oregon, thanks to funding from a five-year federal emergency management grant funneled through [...]