Fiscal Services
Clackamas ESD offers payroll, accounts payable, purchasing, accounting, grant management and other business services to the districts that need business services support. The goal of business services is to support the mission and operations of Clackamas County schools by providing excellent stewardship of resources and facilitating transparency between schools and the public.
Local Service Plan
Our annual local service plan, or LSP, outlines the specific services we provide to our 10 partner school districts each year through a variety of funding sources. Services outlined in the plan reflect input received from each of those districts. This plan includes services adopted by district resolution, along with explanations of all grants, contracts and entrepreneurial initiatives.
District Financial Reports
District financial reports provide more detailed information about individual services we delivered to each school district last year, and costs of those services.
- Canby School District CESD Financial Report
- Colton School District CESD Financial Report
- Estacada School District CESD Financial Report
- Gladstone School District CESD Financial Report
- Lake Oswego School District CESD Financial Report
- Molalla River School District CESD Financial Report
- North Clackamas School District CESD Financial Report
- Oregon City School District CESD Financial Report
- Oregon Trail School District CESD Financial Report
- West Linn-Wilsonville School District CESD Financial Report
Sales and Solicitations
Program Contacts
Administrative Assistant
Accounts Payable/Reimbursements
Accounts Receivable/Banking/Grants
Program Director
Fiscal Services News
Clackamas ESD helps distribute $50 million in community grants for summer programs approved during the 2022 Oregon legislative session
Clackamas ESD was proud to help distribute $50 million in state grants to community organizations providing summer learning and enrichment opportunities to children. More than 375 organizations throughout Oregon received grants ranging from $12,500 to $400,000 through the summer program approved during the 2022 Oregon legislative session. A diverse group of 21 [...]
Staff spotlight: Pam Bonner, executive operations coordinator
Health and safety have been more important than ever since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, and our Executive Operations Coordinator Pam Bonner has gone above and beyond as our COVID response’s dedicated leader. Pam began her role as our executive operations coordinator overseeing our facilities and safety teams in [...]
CESD plans expanded early learning services
It's no secret that Clackamas County serves only a fraction of the needs of our pre-K learners. Expanding our early learning services is one of our long-term goals, and that dream is a step closer to reality, thanks to our recent purchase of a building owned by Adventist Health next [...]