October 3 – PERS Retirement Readiness Workshop

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This free presentation is ideal for Tier One/Tier Two members who are within three years of PERS retirement. Topics include a step-by-step review of a PERS estimate of retirement benefits, retirement options, and retirement timelines; guidelines on completing the retirement application; an explanation of working after retirement rules; detailed information regarding the Individual Account Program (IAP); and a list of available resources.

This workshop is part of a series Clackamas ESD is hosting for PERS members and their significant others to attend! These are education oriented workshops – not a sales pitch. Workshops are led by PERS certified team members.

Event: PERS: Retirement Readiness
Date: 10/03/2018
Time: 5:00pm – 7:00pm

All participants, including significant others, are required to register individually.
Participants are required to REGISTER using the Clackamas ESD event page. Seating is limited.
REGISTER HERE: https://events.clackesd.org/Public/Course/Browse

All workshops will be hosted at Clackamas ESD’s central building located at:
13455 SE 97th Ave. Clackamas, OR 97015


PERS – Tier OnePERS – Tier TwoPERS – OPSRP
Employed on/or before December 31, 1995Employed between January 1996 and August 29, 2003Employed on/or after August 29, 2003


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