Events Calendar

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8 events,

PENDING Construyendo un Negocio 2.2: Estructura del Personal en mi Programa (Building a Business 2.2: Staffing Your Program) (STATE) (Spanish)

87567 Module II: Strengthening Business Practices- Strengthening Fiscal Management for Child Care Programs Sub Title: Financial Reports and Internal Controls for Center Based Child Care Providers (STATE)

12 events,

12 events,

86961 (STATE) Shining the Light on the Art & Science of Caring Practices in Early Childhood Education

12 events,

86963 (STATE) Colaborando con las Familias para un Entorno de Programa más Inclusivo/Collaborating with Families for a More Inclusive Program Environment

12 events,


86964 Power of Play

11 events,


June 2025 Board Meeting

11 events,

11 events,

12 events,

87983 Developing Early Childhood Education Settings to Support Students with Autism and Other Developmental Delays

12 events,

12 events,

11 events,

11 events,

11 events,

12 events,

11 events,

11 events,

11 events,

10 events,

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