81670 Desarrollo e Implementación de Estrategias Visuales en el Aula para Apoyar a todos los Niños (
Clackamas ESD - Online/Virtual - Online/VirtualExploraremos el desarrollo de estrategias visuales en el aula para ayudar en el apoyo, el flujo y las interacciones positivas en el aula. Se examina..
80012 Giving Value, Making Visible A Reggio-Inspired Approach to Documentation (Set 2, OA)
Clackamas ESD - Online/Virtual - Online/VirtualDocumentation is a dialogue between teaching and learning. Through the process of observing and interpreting children’s daily activity, educat..
82131 A Screening Tool to Assess Self-Regulation to Support School Readiness (STATE) (Set 2, OA)
Clackamas ESD - Online/Virtual - Online/VirtualThis training focuses on a self-regulation measure (the HTKS-R) as a school readiness screening tool that can be easily used by teachers, practition..
An Introduction to Integrated Guidance 2.0 by ODE- April 10, 2024
Clackamas ESD - Sunnybrook - Springwater Conference RoomOur regional support team from ODE will be here to provide an introduction to Integrated Guidance 2.0 for the 2025-2027 biennium. This new version w..
79915 Pyramid Model Preschool Module Series 6: Overview of Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Childre
In this module, practitioners learn about the steps of Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Children (PTR-YC) and how PTR-YC is used as a manualized pr..
Building Your Master Schedule in Synergy–NOW IN-PERSON ONLY AT CESD
Clackamas ESD - Sunnybrook - Springwater Conference RoomCHANGED TO IN-PERSON ONLY at CESD. After you have designed your master schedule, learn how to use tools in Synergy to create yo..
Networked Improvement Community for Leaders of CSI/TSI Schools- Session #3
Clackamas ESD - Sunnybrook - New Era Conference RoomThis Network of Improvment Community provides an opportunity for leaders from schools that have been identified for either Comprehensive Support Imp..
81368 Making Mealtime Memories Building Relationships with Infants and Toddlers through Feeding Prac
Clackamas ESD - Online/Virtual - Online/VirtualFamily Style or Restaurant Style? Many providers feel they have to choose between what is practical and what is emotionally and socially nurturing, ..
April 2024 Board Meeting
In person at Sunnybrook (CESD Headquarters) and broadcast on Zoom. In-person seating is limited. 13455 SE 97th Avenue, Clackamas, Oregon, United StatesRegular session: 6:00 pm Executive session: 7:30 pm The meeting will be held in person and broadcast on Zoom. In-person seating is limited. Please see [...]
81369 Examinando y aplicando las influencias culturales en el comportamiento desafiante (Set 2, DIV/
Clackamas ESD - Online/Virtual - Online/VirtualLos participantes examinarán cómo la cultura influye en el desarrollo de la identidad y el comportamiento en los niños peque&nt..
81372 Adopting Oregon’s Early Learning and Kindergarten Guidelines as a Program Resource (Set 2, OA)
Clackamas ESD - Online/Virtual ,Oregon's Early Learning and Kindergarten Guidelines are a valuable resource for supporting children's successful transition to Kindergarten ..