Events Calendar

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Behavior Safety Assessment Level 1- October 5, 2023

Clackamas ESD - Sunnybrook - Mt. Hope Conference Room

EVENT DESCRIPTION A brief introduction to the field of Behavioral Safety Assessment and an overview of the school-based Leve..

78701 Primeros Auxilios y CPR – Para (Infantes y Adultos)

Clackamas ESD - Sunnybrook - New Era/Springwater (Combined) Conference Room

Primeros auxilios y RCP (reanimación cardiopulmonar) para niños, incluidos bebés y adultos. Se requieren certificaciones actual..

Making Content Comprehensible: The SIOP Model K-12

Clackamas ESD - Sunnybrook - New Era Conference Room

K-12 teachers will learn to use the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol or SIOP Model, a planning and teaching framework that will help teach..

Behavior Safety Assessment Level 1-October 10, 2023

Clackamas ESD - Sunnybrook - Springwater Conference Room

EVENT DESCRIPTION A brief introduction to the field of Behavioral Safety Assessment and an overview of the school-based Leve..

78713 ASQ Boot Camp for Infants and Toddlers (Set 2, OA)

Clackamas ESD - Online/Virtual - Online/Virtual

This workshop will us the ASQ to explore how developmental screening works and how we can collaborate with staff and parents to use results of [...]

Swift MTSS Unconference Sessions

SWIFT will deliver a professional learning Unconference tailored specifically to identified priorities tailored to Oregon Integrated ..

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