Изучение и сравнение теоретических аспектов развития организма и биологических функций (STATE) (8263
Clackamas ESD - Online/VirtualВ дошкольном и младшем школьном возрасте улучшаются функциональные возможности..
В дошкольном и младшем школьном возрасте улучшаются функциональные возможности..
We will be exploring strategies & tools to include all families in our ECE programs in order to make connections with other families, creating a..
How might we co-design meaningful learning experiences? How might children’s knowledge and social identities be fully visible in our curriculu..
This is a course about the value of self-directed play for children who are developing on their own trajectory. Participants will practice perspecti..
Child Care Program Directors will construct a marketing plan focusing on boosting enrollment, strengthening family engagement, and increasing opport..
This training is designed for family child care providers. Participants will understand how early attachments support children’s development, ..
Supporting children with high needs or suspected special needs can require a different set of skills for both parents and child care providers. Pare..
This training will examine and evaluate curriculum activities based on individual needs. Evaluate the effectiveness of implementing activities that ..
hogar,educadores de padres y/o profesionales del aprendizaje temprano. La capacitación está dedicada a la exploración y reflexi..
Esta capacitación examinará y evaluará las actividades curriculares en función de las necesidades individuales. Evaluar ..
Children and families have so much to gain when our programs are high-quality, but what components does a program of this stature utilize and how [...]
Los participantes explorarán, aplicarán e implementarán rúbricas como una auténtica herramienta de evaluaci&oacut..