78724 Flying Solo: Providing for Children With Special Needs (SEIU) ( Set 1, SN)
Clackamas ESD - Online/Virtual - Online/VirtualThis session provides an introduction of ways to provide care for children with special needs without support staff. We will discuss ways to make ac..
78926 Rutinas diarias y actividades de aprendizaje que integran la granja a las prácticas de educac
Clackamas ESD - Online/Virtual - Online/VirtualDe la granja a la escuela enriquece la conexión que las comunidades tienen con los alimentos frescos y saludables y los productores locales d..
Language for Today: A Workshop for ELD Teachers
Clackamas ESD - Sunnybrook - New Era Conference RoomThe job of today’s ELD teacher is a little different than it was a decade ago. Oregon’s standards for English Language Proficiency, the ..
78725 Creating Environments to Support Children on the Autism Spectrum (Set 2, SN)
Clackamas ESD - Online/VirtualThis class will use the current understanding of autism spectrum disorder to develop methods to create an inclusive environment. We will discuss and..
78726 Growing Strong Roots for Little Gardeners (STATE) (Set 2, LEC)
Clackamas ESD - Online/Virtual - Online/VirtualParticipants will determine their program’s level of cultural involvement in current practice with gardening as well as examine gardening prac..
78727 After the RRCAN Report… (Set 2, FCS, PPLD)
Clackamas ESD - Online/Virtual - Online/VirtualYou have made a report of child abuse, or the parents tell you that a report has been made. How do you support the child [...]
78728 Desarrollo de vínculos tempranos en el cuidado de grupos pequeños (SEIU, SP, Set 1, HGD)
Clackamas ESD - Online/Virtual - Online/VirtualEsta sesión proporciona una descripción general de la importancia de los vínculos seguros para el desarrollo de un niño...
Making Writing Meaningful – Series (K-2)
Clackamas ESD - Sunnybrook - Springwater Conference RoomParticipants will stretch their understanding of the writing pr..
78729 Observe, Reflect, Invite: Foundations of Emergent Curriculum (Set 2, LEC)
Clackamas ESD - Online/Virtual - Online/VirtualHow do we create an intentional curriculum in our early learning programs? Let’s explore the life cycle of emergent curriculum from approaches..
ASIST Training: December 6 & 7, 2023
Clackamas ESD - Sunnybrook - New Era/Springwater (Combined) Conference RoomASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) is a two-day (8:30am - 4:00pm both days) interactive workshop in suicide first-aid. ASIST teach..