85404 What’s for Lunch? Healthy Meal Planning for Family Child Care (SEIU)
Clackamas ESD - Online/VirtualThis training is designed for family child care providers. Participants will understand key nutrients in the five food groups, age-appropriate porti..
85716 (STATE) Развитие эмоционального интеллекта. «Я и мои эмоции. Что делать, когда грустно?» /The development of emotional intelligence. «Me and my emotions. What should I do when I am sad?
Clackamas ESD - Online/VirtualВ ходе тренинга вы узнаете о положительных и отрицательных функциях грусти. Мы о?..
85405 Give Me Five 5 Key Practices to Prevent Challenging Behavior
Clackamas ESD - Online/VirtualChallenging behavior getting you down? Join us to examine 5 key practices to support young children and promote positive behavior in the classroom a..
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Virtual Listening Session – March 4th
VirtualClackamas Child Care Resource & Referral (CCR&R), in partnership with the Department of Early Learning & Care (DELC) is working to build..
85466 理解和引导挑战性行为/Understanding and Guiding challenging behaviors
Clackamas ESD - Online/Virtual本次培训将重点介绍行为背后..
87648 Construyendo la Resiliencia en la Aula: Prácticas Basadas en el Trauma Para Educadores de la Primera Infancia
Clackamas ESD - Online/VirtualEducadores podran expander su comprensión del trauma, el impacto en los niños pequeños y cómo implementar prác..
Free Hearing & Developmental Screenings in Sandy
AntFarm Sandy YouthHub 17390 Smith Ave, Sandy, ORFamilies of children birth to five years old are invited to drop in to meet with friendly staff from Clackamas ESD's early learning team to have [...]
85406 Técnicas para construir un entorno inclusivo Opciones ambientales que apoyan la inclusión/Techniques to Build an Inclusive Environment Environmental Choices that Support Inclusion
Clackamas ESD - Online/VirtualCuando se crean prácticas inclusivas, se promueve la inclusión en un entorno de aprendizaje. Únase a nosotros para estudiar c&o..
85717 (STATE) Расстройство обработки сенсорной информации через название Глаза ребенка /Sensory Processing Disorder through the Eyes of the Child: Supporting the Whole Child through a Sensory Lens
Clackamas ESD - Online/VirtualПогружаемся глубже в расстройство сенсорной обработки. На этом тренинге мы изуч?..
85352 Adult, Child, and Infant First Aid & CPR (Blended)
Clackamas ESD - Sunnybrook - New Era/Springwater (Combined) Conference RoomFirst aid and CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) for children, including infants, and adults. Current first aid and CPR certifications are require..
85718 (STATE) Integrating healthy, culturally sensitive, and allergen aware nutrition into your Pre-school setting
Clackamas ESD - Online/VirtualThis training helps early childhood providers integrate healthy and nutritious foods into their facilities to enhance the health and wellbeing of th..