Events Calendar

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December 2023 Board Meeting

In person at Sunnybrook (CESD Headquarters) and broadcast on Zoom. In-person seating is limited. 13455 SE 97th Avenue, Clackamas, Oregon, United States

Board work session - Leadership team dinner with the Board: 5 - 6:20 pm Regular session: 6:30 pm Executive session: 8 pm The meeting will [...]

ELPA Summative Training

This training is for Test Administrators of the ELPA Summative. Annual training is required for this state assessment. Training in how to administer..

78733 Culture and the Classroom (Set 2, DIV & PM)

Clackamas ESD - Online/Virtual - Online/Virtual

Culture is imbedded in everything we do and the classroom is no different. However, the way we respond to culture, as educators, must be different [...]

ELPA Summative Training

Clackamas ESD - Online/Virtual - Online/Virtual

This training is for Test Administrators of the ELPA Summative. Annual training is required for this state assessment. Training in how to administer..

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