78731 Interpersonal Conflict Prevention in Early Childhood Education Systems (Set 2, PM)
Clackamas ESD - Online/Virtual - Online/VirtualAdult conflict resolution is an aspect of many work places including early childhood education, but what does your program do to prevent conflict fr..
79548 La aculturación y la experiencia latinoamericana (La aculturación y la experiencia latinoame
Clackamas ESD - Online/VirtualDentro de esta capacitación, los participantes examinarán las diferencias culturales con respecto al trauma y el estrés dentro ..
78704 Blended Adult, Child, and Infant First Aid & CPR (Set 1, HSN)
Clackamas ESD - Sunnybrook - New Era/Springwater (Combined) Conference RoomFirst aid and CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) for children, including infants, and adults. Current first aid and CPR certifications are require..
Clackamas School Counselor’s Community of Practice (CCOP) December 12, 2023
Clackamas ESD - Sunnybrook - Springwater Conference RoomIn person at CESD! Please join us for a morning of coffee, carbs & conversation while learning from colleagues across the ESD. ..
78732 How Can I Help Me? Identifying Caregiver Compassion Fatigue & Developing Strategies to Build S
Clackamas ESD - Online/Virtual - Online/VirtualIn this session, we will examine factors that lead to burnout and warning signs of compassion fatigue. We will select practices to help the caregive..
79037 Examining Special Needs and the Laws that Govern Them
Participants will examine the distinctions, similarities and differences among the types of special needs. They will explore the categories of disab..
Free Hearing & Developmental Screenings in Lake Oswego
Lake Oswego Public Library 706 4th St, Lake Oswego, ORDecember 2023 Board Meeting
In person at Sunnybrook (CESD Headquarters) and broadcast on Zoom. In-person seating is limited. 13455 SE 97th Avenue, Clackamas, Oregon, United StatesBoard work session - Leadership team dinner with the Board: 5 - 6:20 pm Regular session: 6:30 pm Executive session: 8 pm The meeting will [...]
ELPA Summative Training
This training is for Test Administrators of the ELPA Summative. Annual training is required for this state assessment. Training in how to administer..
78733 Culture and the Classroom (Set 2, DIV & PM)
Clackamas ESD - Online/Virtual - Online/VirtualCulture is imbedded in everything we do and the classroom is no different. However, the way we respond to culture, as educators, must be different [...]
Virtual “find your career here” conversation
VirtualLearn more about our openings and organization through informal conversation with our recruiter. Join the conversation on Zoom here.