Suicide Prevention Training for Youth & Families
Youth ages 12+ and their parent/caregiver/trusted adult are invited to a free suicide prevention training 5-8:30 pm on Jan. 21 at the Foothills Community Church [...]
Youth ages 12+ and their parent/caregiver/trusted adult are invited to a free suicide prevention training 5-8:30 pm on Jan. 21 at the Foothills Community Church [...]
This is a course about the value of self-directed play for children who are developing on their own trajectory. Participants will practice perspecti..
Esta sesión ayudará a los proveedores y educadores a promover hábitos saludables y nutricionales para los niños y a ser ..
When was the last time you had a difficult conversation with a family? A successful one? In this workshop, we’ll explore the origins of potent..
En esta capacitación, hablaremos sobre el cuidado personal. Priorizar el cuidado personal puede prevenir el agotamiento, reducir el estr&eacu..
Session 4..
Learn basic budgeting concepts. Explore income and expense sections of a budget. Discuss the purpose of budgeting and the different types of ..
На этом занятии участники изучат различные виды инструментов оценки в раннем де?..
На этом занятии участники изучат расстройства аутистического спектра (РАС) и свя..
Challenging behavior getting you down? Join us to examine 5 key practices to support young children and promote positive behavior in the classroom a..
How do we build a meaningful curriculum for young children? In this class, we will look at ways to recognize children's interests and use this [...]
Clackamas Child Care Resource & Referral (CCR&R), in partnership with the Department of Early Learning & Care (DELC) is working to build..