85353 Anti-Suspension & Expulsion Cohort
Clackamas ESD - Online/VirtualStart the New Year off with a dive into diversity and learn ways to make your programs a welcoming place for children and families of [...]
Start the New Year off with a dive into diversity and learn ways to make your programs a welcoming place for children and families of [...]
Regular session: 6:00 pm The meeting will be held in person and broadcast on Zoom. In-person seating is limited. Please see BoardBook for the public [...]
Together we will examine family needs and stresses. How to create and build positive relationships and communication pathways. Begin developing a re..
ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) is a two-day (8:30am - 4:00pm both days) interactive workshop in suicide first-aid. ..
Esta capacitación ayudará a los proveedores a explorar los beneficios de la integración de idiomas. Los participantes explorar&..
Esta capacitación se centrará en los diferentes tipos de observaciones y en la importancia de realizarlas. Compartiré algunas t..
Families of children birth to five years old are invited to drop in to meet with friendly staff from Clackamas ESD's early learning team to have [...]
Youth ages 12+ and their parent/caregiver/trusted adult are invited to a free suicide prevention training 5-8:30 pm on Jan. 21 at the Foothills Community Church [...]
This is a course about the value of self-directed play for children who are developing on their own trajectory. Participants will practice perspecti..
Esta sesión ayudará a los proveedores y educadores a promover hábitos saludables y nutricionales para los niños y a ser ..
When was the last time you had a difficult conversation with a family? A successful one? In this workshop, we’ll explore the origins of potent..
En esta capacitación, hablaremos sobre el cuidado personal. Priorizar el cuidado personal puede prevenir el agotamiento, reducir el estr&eacu..