84521 Holiday Safety for Child Care: Fall & Winter
Clackamas ESD - Online/VirtualFall and winter holidays pose special hazards for child care programs. Join us as we explore the diverse holidays celebrated in the United States. P..
Fall and winter holidays pose special hazards for child care programs. Join us as we explore the diverse holidays celebrated in the United States. P..
**Title IX Coordinators and designees should take both this AND the Coordinator Training directly fol..
**Title IX Coordinators and designees should take both this AND the Responses and Investigations trai..
На этом занятии будет рассмотрена увлекательная программа обучения, которая п?..
Building Academic Language is an instructional workshop for teachers that focuses on teaching and learning academic language. Teachers will learn to..
Los educadores tempranos examinarán el proceso legislativo y el cronograma para generar conocimientos sobre cómo impactar el cambio si..
¿Qué podemos aprender al observar a los niños en nuestros programas? Analizaremos los qué, los porqués y los c&oa..
Oral language skills are one of the most important predictors of later school success. The size and type of vocabulary that preschool children exhib..
EVENT DESCRIPTION A brief introduction to the field of Behavioral Safety Assessment and an overview of the school-based Leve..
K-12 teachers will learn to use the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol or SIOP Model, a planning and teaching framework that will help teach..
Analicemos los pros y los contras de generalizar y estereotipar sobre las culturas. ¿Cómo podemos aceptar otras culturas mediante el e..