82240 Leading On Purpose The Road to Making a Difference
Clackamas ESD - SunnybrookWhat is your program’s purpose? What is your purpose? In this training you will develop your leadership skills and strategies to help you lead..
What is your program’s purpose? What is your purpose? In this training you will develop your leadership skills and strategies to help you lead..
The 2024 Empowering Early Childhood Professionals Conference Growing Early Learning Environments That Support All Children
This Network of Improvment Community provides an opportunity for leaders from schools that have been identified for either Comprehensive Support Imp..
Relationship Building Mindset examines the positive adult-child relationship impact on child's development. Strategize how to implement research..
This presentation will help you navigate conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusion with preschool children. We will start with de..
How can we plan curriculum targeted to meet each child's individual needs? Authentic assessment is an ongoing process we use to learn about each..
This is a test for MCREN.
This training will examine tools including the Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool to support social/emotional program observation and assessment. We ..
Explore the work of early childhood innovator, Magda Gerber. Learn about Gerber’s unique connection between gross motor development, social-em..
In this workshop participants will examine their personal perspectives of privilege and how these perspectives shape their ECE practices.
Training Location1: June 24-28 - Athey Creek Middle School 2110 Brandon Pl, West Linn, OR 97068 from 8am ..
This trainings objective is to introduce the importance of language and literacy as it relates to reading books to children. We will be looking at [...]