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85382 Outdoor Education and Natural Playscapes

Clackamas ESD - Online/Virtual

This training is designed to provide an overview of the topic of Outdoor Education and Natural Playscapes. This will be an online training conducted..

85696 (STATE) Supporting Anxious Kids

Clackamas ESD - Online/Virtual

Participants will learn what signs to look for in anxious kids, information about anxiety disorder diagnoses, the purposes of stress/anxiety, and to..

Comprehensive ELPA Summative Training 24-25

This training is for Test Administrators of the ELPA Summative. Annual training is required for this state assessment. Training in how to administer..

Comprehensive ELPA Summative Training 24-25

This training is for Test Administrators of the ELPA Summative. Annual training is required for this state assessment. Training in how to administer..

Making Content Comprehensible: The SIOP Model K-12

Clackamas ESD - Sunnybrook 13455 SE 97th Ave Clackamas, OR 97015 - New Era Conference Room

  Teachers will learn to use the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol or SIOP Model, a planning and teaching framework that consis..

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