Events Calendar

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CESD Coaching Collab – September

Clackamas ESD - Sunnybrook - Springwater Conference Room

Hello Coaching Collab Team! CESD is very excited to host this extraord..

82570 Conversations With Children About Consent

Clackamas ESD - Online/Virtual

Participants will develop tools to use when discussing aspects of boundaries and consent. Learn how to talk with children about their own voice and ..

New Educator Collaborative

The New Educator Collaborative (NEC) helps new educators throughout the school year. We offer timely topics, like preparing for family conference..

CESD LEEP Collaborative

Clackamas ESD - Sunnybrook 13455 SE 97th Ave Clackamas Clackamas, OR, United States

This workshop is designed for first and second-year LEEP (Learning Enrichment and Enhancement Program) teachers. It aims to enhance their skills,..

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