Clackamas ESD exists to serve the needs of our 10 partner school districts in Clackamas County. The 2020-21 school year has brought an unprecedented degree of meaningful collaboration with our many district advisory teams.
Advisory team members, please join us for an end-of-year gathering to honor you and the incredible work you have done to support your schools, your families and your communities at The Commons Building* at the former Marylhurst University campus.
Food, camaraderie and tours of the Heron Creek Therapeutic Program, located in Marian Hall on the Marylhurst campus, will be available.
Please RSVP to CESD Strategic Communications Director Shirley Skidmore at by May 17 for food planning purposes.
*Please note: Marylhurst’s Commons Building is a 6,000-square-foot facility that will safely accommodate appropriate physical distancing, although we hope weather allows us to also gather outdoors on the adjacent patio and greenspace.