PENDING Construyendo un Negocio 2.2: Estructura del Personal en mi Programa (Building a Business 2.2: Staffing Your Program) (STATE) (Spanish)
Clackamas ESD - Online/VirtualLos programas certificados de cuidado infan..
Los programas certificados de cuidado infan..
Join leaders from other Clackamas County schools identified for comprehensive and targeted improvement for connection and collaboration. During thes..
Participants will critically examine the book, Anti-Bias Education for Young Children & Ourselves by Louise Derman-Sparks & Julie Olsen E..
Participants will critically examine the book, Anti-Bias Education for Young Children & Ourselves by Louise Derman-Sparks & Julie Olsen E..
The purpose of this training is to strength..
This training provides foundational knowled..
Child care providers will gain understandin..
In this training participants will gain und..
Participants in this workshop will examine the core value of responsive care and related care practices with young children using the seven lamps..
Participants will examine how children construct their own understandings of the world around them through active play-based learning, the charac..