Clackamas Early Learning Center
The Clackamas Early Learning Center provides instruction and evaluation services to children ages birth to 5. The center focuses on providing accessible, inclusive and culturally responsive support to children and families from underserved populations, including those experiencing poverty, those experiencing disabilities and families who speak languages other than English.
Our facility features:
- Four preschool classrooms and two infant/toddler classrooms
- Dedicated spaces to evaluate children and determine if they qualify for early intervention/early childhood special education services
- Observation areas that allow early childhood providers to learn through training and classroom observation
- Flexible spaces for use by families and community partners where culturally responsive services and training can be delivered
- Inclusive outdoor play areas, including dedicated spaces for infants, toddlers and preschoolers
Evaluation services are provided by the Clackamas ESD early intervention team.
Instructional services are offered through multiple partnerships:
- Head Start to Success
- Preschool Promise
- Clackamas County Children’s Commission
- Future Generations Collaborative
We also operate a PEER/LEAP classroom, where typically developing children learn alongside children experiencing disabilities, with children in the classroom serving as peer teachers.
Getting to the Clackamas Early Learning Center
The facility is located at 13435 SE 97th Ave. in Clackamas, adjacent to the Clackamas Education Service District administrative building. As you enter the property, parking and entrance for classrooms (on the upper floor) will be to the left. Parking for evaluation services is to the right, near the lower floor entrance.