At a national conference, our board of directors recently connected with education service agencies from across the country to gain a more profound understanding of problems faced by those we serve, and the innovative and proven strategies happening around the country to address those issues. Here, our board reflects on some of their key takeaways from the experience.

Linda Brown, Board Chair – “I learned that our local issues are issues across the country. My key takeaway is that classrooms today have a much broader array of students than in the past, and many have significant problems they struggle with. Kids are in need of wraparound, family and especially mental health supports if they are to be able to learn.”


Jon Eyman – “In a session called ‘Validating Student Experiences to Increase Success and Engagement’ presented by an education service district from Kansas, I learned about a pilot program for project-based learning modeled off the Eagle Scout experience. I heard stories that illustrated the significance in empowering student ownership in their learning experience, and I saw up close the challenges and rewards in developing partnerships with people, businesses and organizations outside of the school system.”