August 23 – All Staff Welcome Back

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Dear Clackamas ESD Staff,

As we plan for the 2018-19 school year, I cannot help but feel gratitude for moments of rejuvenation afforded to me and my family this summer. I spent time on the Puget Sound, free from the grips of the LTE network and push notifications.

August is a whirlwind of planning and preparation, so I’m thankful for time spent reenergizing. I hope you too had time to rest, vacation, spend time with loved ones and take care of your health.

While I appreciate some time to relax, I cannot wait to welcome you back on August 23.

Date: Thursday, August 23, 2018
Time: New staff arrive at 8:15 am; all staff 9:00 am to 4:05 pm
Where: Rolling Hills Community Church, 3550 SW Borland Road, Tualatin, Oregon, 97062

This is the one day each year that all Clackamas ESD employees are together, connecting to our shared purpose to lead, serve and innovate for learning. Clackamas ESD uniquely exists to serve the 10 school districts of Clackamas County and their communities. We provide our clients, the 10 school districts, with a broad range of services in early learning, special education, migrant education, technology, educator professional learning and more. Despite the diversity in our roles at Clackamas ESD, our shared purpose allows Clackamas County schools, regardless of their size or location, to provide an excellent public education to their communities.

You have a tough job ensuring the needs of the most vulnerable children and families in our county are met. In that environment, it’s often easy to neglect our own well-being. At this year’s welcome back I hope to set the stage for a year of intentional focus on one another’s wellness. When I speak with Clackamas ESD staff, I’m always blown away by the strength in the culture of teamwork and collaboration. This also showed up in the culture and climate survey that you will hear more about at the Welcome Back event. Leveraging our strengths, August 23 will be a chance to reconnect with colleagues, make new connections and collectively set positive goals and intentions for the new school year.

Dress casual. Come relaxed and restored. See you soon!

Jada Rupley

(This message was sent home to Clackamas ESD staff)

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