“3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . you’re out of oxygen!”

Nearly 30 fifth graders huddled in their makeshift habitats breathed sighs of relief, after completing their timed challenge to build and access these shelters that would keep them safe in their visit to the moon. No matter that they actually were on the gym floor at Molalla Elementary School, or that the shelters were built out of newspapers and tape.

Under the tutelage of Hilda Pereyo, a guest aerospace educator affiliated with NASA, students paid rapt attention to lessons on drones and moon engineering in a unique summer workshop funded by NASA, and offered through the Northwest Earth and Space Sciences Pathways program. Integrating many STEAM topics (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics), these grant-funded workshops occur throughout the year, providing rich after-school and summer learning for students, and ongoing professional development for teachers.

Clackamas Education Service District is proud to be a collaborator in bringing innovative summer camp experiences like this to students throughout our region. As a member of the South Metro-Salem STEM Partnership, we work to expand access to STEM and STEAM learning for Clackamas County students through after-school and summer enrichment programs. This June and July, multiple summer schools in our region are embedding STEAM topics in attention-grabbing workshops like Pereyo’s.

Learn more about Clackamas ESD’s partnerships to expand experiential STEM and STEAM learning.