On June 3, 117 child care and preschool providers from across the state gathered for the first Empowering Early Childhood Professionals Conference hosted by Clackamas Education Service District’s Child Care Resource and Referral team. The conference focused on giving early childhood professionals new strategies and support for navigating the rolling effects of the pandemic on young children.

Attendees had the opportunity to take two sessions of their choice from 12 session options. Session topics included positive phrasing to support young children, the Pyramid Model, healing COVID trauma through storytelling, and more. Enrollment in these sessions could be applied towards the licensing training hours the Early Learning Division Office of Child Care requires all child care providers to complete each year earning attendees up to five and a half recognized training hours in one day!

Kelly Wilson, M.A. ECC, an expert in supporting young children who exhibit persistent challenging behaviors, gave a keynote speech about one family’s journey in shaping behavior.

One attendee commented that Wilson “had so much fantastic insight and gave me some things to think about.”

The opportunity to network with other child care and preschool providers was just as valuable as the conference’s wealth of knowledge.

“My favorite part of the conference was connecting with other professionals, hearing about their experiences in their classroom and learning some helpful strategies to use in my classroom,” an attendee shared.

Twelve participants were granted scholarships covering the conference’s $50 registration fee from Portland State University’s Oregon Center For Career Development In Childhood Care And Education.  

“Many people who attended the conference expressed joy in being in-person with peers in their field,” reflects CCR&R Program Coordinator Sandy Meados. “Beginning with the keynote speaker and through to the last training, the attendees were engaged and excited. The feedback was so positive, the CCR&R team is charged up to begin planning for next year!”