Heron Creek Therapeutic Program is always coming up with creative ways to meet the needs of its students experiencing significant social, emotional, behavioral and academic challenges and re-engage them in learning.

On Friday, May 13, Heron Creek hosted a homemade, handcrafted carnival that was part collaborative project and part reward for good behavior throughout the year.

The Heron Creek student council, made up of a representative from each class, planned the carnival, and each class worked together to make a carnival game. The students’ creativity shone; they created a wide variety of games from recycled and everyday materials, including a fishing game, ring toss, Plinko, giant bowling, sack races, mini-golf and more.

Through April, staff recognized when students exhibited safe, respectful and responsible behavior by giving students “SRR tickets.” At the carnival, students exchanged their “SSR tickets” to play the carnival games and win raffle tickets they could use to purchase prizes like candy, puzzles and stuffed animals.

The carnival was complete with a “pie” eating contest and fresh cotton candy, hot dogs and popcorn.

The 2021-22 school year was a difficult one; many of the stresses and challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic continued, and after nearly a year of remote learning, students returned to the classroom with stunted social-emotional skills. 

A group project like the carnival helped students relearn how to work as a team and socialize with their peers and gave them an opportunity to be kids and have fun.

“I am so thrilled the incredible Heron Creek Staff worked together to celebrate the skills students learned to be safe, responsible and respectful,” said Stacey Sibley, assistant director of therapeutic programs at Heron Creek. “The students used those skills today to have a fun-filled day!”

See more photos from the day on our Facebook page.