Katy Bern serves as the administrative assistant for Clackamas ESD’s early intervention/early childhood special education program, which provides essential support to young children who experience delays or disabilities that affect their learning. Katy’s work behind the scenes supporting the EI/ECSE director, leadership team, and service providers ensures the smooth operation of daily functions and processes, directly benefiting the children and families we serve.
Katy joined Clackamas ESD in 2018, bringing a wealth of experience in working with underserved children in schools and after-school programs. A librarian by training, she is particularly passionate about the diverse books movement, and making sure relevant books get in the hands of the children. This commitment is especially important in early childhood, as exposure to diverse stories and perspectives encourages children’s literacy development and sense of identity.
In addition to her work with books, Katy transformed the EI/ECSE assistive technology device lending library, moving it from a system designed for community tool libraries that didn’t quite fit our needs to a highly customizable SmartSheet-based system. Thanks to her efforts, more children with communication challenges have the tools they need to succeed – the number of equipment loans has quadrupled since 2022, and nearly six times as many children now benefit from the library’s assistive technology devices.
Katy’s innovations extend to helping move department processes and services online. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March 2020, Katy worked quickly with EI/ECSE leadership and team members to ensure families could still access the screenings, therapies and special education services children needed to thrive. Together, they moved critical processes like referral forms online and helped distribute 200 Chromebooks and 50 Wi-Fi hotspots to make sure that all children could continue receiving services remotely as we shifted to virtual learning.
Sara Snow, director of early intervention/early childhood special education, describes Katy as the “glue” that holds everything together, supporting the team in countless ways. From event planning to coordinating training and offering assistance to her teammates, Katy’s contributions are felt throughout every aspect of the program.
“Supporting the great work that our providers do behind the scenes has been incredibly rewarding for me,” Katy shares.
Katy continues to seek ways to improve her skills and our EI/ECSE programs. Last fall, she attended the annual SmartSheet conference in Seattle.
“I am really grateful to Clackamas ESD for all the support and encouragement that I have received to continue to build my skills,” reflects Katy.