The first full week of March is designated as Classified Employee Appreciation Week. At Clackamas ESD alone, we have more than 60 types of classified jobs. These are people who touch every corner of our agency’s work and the districts we support, from providing hands-on help to teachers, children and families, to filling endless behind-the-scenes roles to keep buildings and teams safe, cared for and high-functioning.

This Classified Employee Appreciation Week, we’re highlighting five of our more than 260 classified staff members and contractors, to provide a peek into the diverse ways this large group of employees lives our mission of service. We appreciate our entire classified team and the meaningful work they do.

John Lee is a therapeutic intervention coach at Clackamas Education Service District’s Heron Creek Therapeutic Program, which provides personalized support to students who experience significant social and emotional challenges and need a different approach to thrive. John works with Heron Creek’s high school-aged students to prevent disruptive behaviors and guide them in developing self-regulation skills so they can achieve success both in school and in adulthood.

Data is an essential tool in John’s work. By collecting behavior data and identifying patterns, he’s able to develop strategies to prevent behavior from escalating and help students build the social emotional skills they need to thrive. At the heart of John’s approach, though, is his focus on building strong, trusting relationships with his students. When students exhibit behaviors such as inappropriate language, physical aggression, or bullying, John takes the time to understand the underlying causes. He creates a safe space for conversation where students can identify their triggers and work together on solutions.

“Building rapport is key to helping students process their emotions and de-escalate difficult behaviors,” John explains.

Preparing students for life after high school is an important part of setting them up for success. John has witnessed firsthand the positive impact of the career exploration opportunities offered at Heron Creek. The privilege of going on field trips to different work sites is a powerful incentive for safe, respectful and responsible behavior in the classroom. Real-world experiences, like visiting the Coast Guard or participating in hands-on activities like test-driving heavy equipment, can be incredibly inspiring for students, broadening their sense of what’s possible for their future.

“We want them to know there is so much out there they can do in life,” John says. “These students are the future of our community.”

A member of the Heron Creek team since 2014, John acknowledges the importance of his colleagues’ support and collaboration. 

“We all bring each other up and support each other. We have all witnessed some tough days, but when you have people that you can empathize with and relate to, and we can all laugh and joke together, that just keeps you going,” John shares.

John’s experience working through his own challenges in his younger years gives him a unique empathy and understanding of the struggles his students face and inspires him in his work.

“Even though there are lots of intense situations and ups and downs, no matter what, I always feel satisfied that I’m doing something good and I made some difference for somebody,” John reflects.