Low-cost inclusive preschool
Apply today!
Be a PEER in our inclusive early learning classroom
Enroll your child in an inclusive early learning preschool classroom, a unique opportunity for normally developing children to learn alongside children experiencing disabilities with a tuition of just $35 per month!
Here are some unique opportunities for PEERs:
- Structured routine-based learning activities
- Positive social experiences
- The opportunity to develop an understanding and acceptance of diversity that exists within the community
Inclusive early learning classes
Enrollment requirements
- The student is age 3 by Sept. 1 and is not eligible for kindergarten
- Student meets immunization requirements
- The parent agrees to complete a free developmental screener
- The student has independency/self-help skills such as independently using the bathroom and feeding
- The student is not currently eligible for special education services from the Clackamas ESD early intervention and early childhood special education program and does not receive EI/ECSE services
- The student resides in Clackamas County
- The parent/guardian commits to providing transportation to and from the site

How to apply
To have your child considered for enrollment in the PEER program, please complete the online application. Apply today; spots are given to eligible children on a first-come, first-served basis.
For more information contact eceparents@clackesd.org