A little rain did not dampen the excitement at Heron Creek Therapeutic Program’s field day on June 3.

Heron Creek’s staff set up a number of events, including three-legged, water relay and sack races, as well as a bean bag toss and disc golf. 

The games gave students opportunities to build their confidence, improve their collaboration skills, and practice taking turns and being gracious when winning or losing. Students received a stamp in their field day passports for each completed event.

“Field day was so fun! I liked the sack race because I am a good jumper,” one student exclaimed.

After the games, students cooled off with a classic summer treat — snow cones.

The field day was a joyful way of celebrating the students’ successes throughout the 2021-22 school year.

“I am so proud of our students and staff! Students were able to complete their passports and enjoy their snow cones, and our student principals and vice principals for the day helped lead the activities. Our staff did a great job setting up great games and treats,” glowed Stacey Sibley, assistant director of therapeutic programs at Heron Creek.

See more photos of Heron Creek’s field day on our Facebook page.