Two years of a pandemic have interrupted many students’ learning, making summer school programs more popular than ever. Clackamas ESD is lining up several summer enrichment opportunities for students receiving early learning and special education services:

  • About 70 young children supported by our early intervention and early childhood special education teams will receive summer recovery services four days a week for a month beginning July 11. Some students will receive support in their homes, and others in classrooms. Our thanks to the Oregon City and Gladstone school districts for providing classroom space for this summer outreach effort.
  • Our Heron Creek Therapeutic Program will offer summer learning opportunities July 5-28 four mornings a week. In addition to a STEM camp, we’ll provide tutoring and credit recovery options, and fun activities, including a basketball camp and a disc golf camp.
  • All Life Enrichment Education Program students who qualify for extended school year and recovery services can take part in a summer program running three mornings a week July 5-28 at Seth Lewelling Elementary School in Milwaukie. Offerings will include adaptive PE; art and recreational activities; skills related to specific individualized education plan goals; communication, social-emotional, adaptive and transition skills; and community-based activities for secondary students.