For the next six weeks, the Portland Metro area will experience inordinate commute times thanks to major construction projects. The Oregon Department of Transportation curated a traffic-themed Spotify playlist to help commuters cope. Portland Monthly responded with a playlist themed around alternative forms of transportation.
But for education leaders holding summer hours, this could be a great time to catch up on podcasts! Here are a few picks from the leadership team at Clackamas ESD.
Jada Rupley, the Clackamas ESD superintendent, recommends Curious Minds, “Leonard Mlodinow on Unleashing Our Creative Thinking.”
On Curious Minds, host Gayle Allen interviews authors of leadership books, and Superintendent Rupley has found a wealth of inspiration in these interviews.
“These thought leaders always give me new approaches to my current challenges and opportunities, especially in a constantly shifting environment. We are all limited on time, money, and other precious resources, but no one can take away from us our ability to learn, grow and think creatively in order to approach problems in a new and fresh way.”
Stuart Long, Chief Information Officer, recommends the Marketplace interview with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella.
Long says, “Satya Nadella is one of the smartest yet humble leaders of a major technology company. He talks about his role as CEO, the importance of listening to your customers, and the wisdom he gained from being the father of a child with a disability. Definitely one of my favorites from the past year.”
As an agency that serves a large population of students experiencing disability, leaders across all departments at Clackamas ESD understand the importance of a shared purpose and understanding of what it means to serve all students. In this podcast, Satya Nadella illustrates and inspires why that’s so significant.
Kelsey Cardwell, Strategic Communications Officer, recommends Inflection Point with Lauren Schiller: “Is ‘Girl Power’ Creating a Mental Health Crisis?”
Guest Rachel Simmons is an educator and author that teaches girls to build skills in resilience, amplify their voices and own their courage.
“I started listening to this episode by accident and couldn’t turn it off. This interview has totally quotable and actionable advice for teachers, parents, mentors, and leaders that I have brought with me to meetings and in decision-making. It helped me become a better role model for young girls and even for myself. Bonus, like Salt and Straw, Oprah Winfrey loves guest Rachel Simmons, so that’s a pretty good endorsement.”
Carol Moore, Early Learning Director, recommends checking out the Children’s Institute’s “An Eye on Systems: An Interview with Principal Kelly Soter.”
“While I haven’t listened to it yet, this one is first on my list for my awful commute. I love the idea of connecting and elevating local, successful education leaders, and I look forward to taking a break from listening to news and switching to something more upbeat.”