At the start of this school year—in the wake of Charlottesville—educators across the country scrambled to find resources to talk about social justice in school buildings. A dark past lends Oregon educators a particularly unique backdrop against which to support efforts in inclusion and educational equity.
Oregon did not formally allow African Americans to live in the state or own property until 1973. In an article spotlighting Oregon’s “racist history,” Oregon author and educator Walidah Imarisha informed The Atlantic that Oregon also had the highest per capita Ku Klux Klan membership in the country.
On November 15, Imarisha will kick off a series of seminars on equity hosted at Clackamas ESD. The ESD invites teams from each Clackamas County school district to join for a morning workshop and an afternoon talk. During the workshop, districts will build a plan to address equity in their schools or work to advance an existing plan.
As educators, we must unpack the systems and attitudes that leave too many in our schools and community feeling vulnerable and fearful to simply live authentically. Our students are counting on us to do this.”
~ Matt Utterback, Superintendent of North Clackamas School District
This seminar series intends to support school districts in their path to create an inclusive, barrier-free environment where each child has the opportunity to fully benefit and succeed. Walidah Imarisha provides context with a talk on Oregon’s racial history on November 15; on January 3, Carmen Urbina will address cultural and linguistic barriers faced by English learners; and on April 4, Dr. Brianna Stiller will speak on gender nonconforming students and how to support them.
This project is a “Light Bulb Project” sponsored by the Clackamas ESD Board. Lightbulb Projects offer Clackamas ESD staff opportunities to develop initiatives that will improve student outcomes and expand leadership within the ESD.
If you are interested in joining your school district’s equity team or nominating someone to join, contact Leah Hinkle, to get connected with your school district’s equity team. The seminar series is free to attend for district equity teams. All other attendees can register on our website for a nominal charge.